In the little book of Second John, John writes to a lady and her children. This family brought the Apostle great joy for her children were walking in truth. It seems that they had taken in truth and were living out the Scriptures. Certainly it is joyful to every older Saint to see that young people are living by Scripture; that they are living in truth. Truth is that which conforms to reality. What is real is what God has revealed. Those who practice God’s word are living in truth. But it is possible to live in truth and miss a core truth. This was what the Jewish religious leaders of Jesus’ day had done. They followed the law but missed love. Thus John writes to this family to remind them of one great commandment that keeps the rest of the truth from becoming mean discipline that restricts and robs of all joy. The great command is to love one another. Love for God and others fulfills the law. Thus to miss this truth is to mess up all the rest. A Christian who truly seeks God’s best for others can only do so by following ‘God’s word. Love is not merely sentimentality, but it does at times include sentiment. Love seeks the best for others. Love is concerned for their well being above our own desires. John is saying it is not enough to follow God’s commands personally and then neglect people. One can’t truly walk in truth unless that one truly loves others. Following God’s word and loving others brings the greatest joy.
-Pastor Don White
From 02/04/2018