In 1767 Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon established the boundary
between the colonies of Maryland and Pennsylvania. The line
established is still the border today. Good boundaries matter.
Boundaries protect and provide regions of safe operation. Boundaries
should be respected. God has established boundaries for the Christian.
Some boundaries protect us from sin. Some of God’s boundaries show
us how to have a joyful life in the service of our King. Today is a day of
questioning the old boundaries. Society has rejected the moral
boundaries of interaction between men and women. The result is
loneliness, misery, broken homes, untethered children, and the
demands for respect based not on God’s good law but upon the foolish
principles of equality. Trouble is always the result when we begin to
operate in a region outside the safety of God’s boundaries. In today’s
world most westerners reject the Biblical account of creation. They
have crossed the boundary of rejecting God’s word. Thus, they have
put their trust in science. Science works fine when it reveals the laws
God established in nature. But when science begins to speak about
moral behavior it moves outside its sphere. When science begins to
speak about origin it moves beyond its sphere. The result is a society
that has rejected the sacredness of human life. People have less and
less respect for one another. Tribalism is on the rise. Society does not
work apart from the boundaries of God’s word. Do not forsake God’s